What would I do if I was the richest person on this Earth

What would I do if I was the richest person on this Earth?
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1. I would buy a lot of kitten because my dream is to have one since I'm little, but my family have always been alergic to them.  If I had my own house, I swear there would be at least 12 cats.

2. I would buy myself the biggest and the most expensive house on the planet.

Image associée3. I would do the tour of Europe.  I wish I could visit Paris, Barcelone, London, Rome, etc.

4. I would do a lot of donations to poor people and I would really help them.

5. I would build schools in poor countries for the children.
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6.  I wish I could have my own plane.  It would be easier to travel all around the world whenever I want to.

7. I would build the highest building in the world and I would name it ''Ariano's personnal tower''

8. I would do skydiving. It's one of my biggest dream!
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9. I would definitely buy a lot of cars.

10. I would go to the restaurent every night and drink a lot of wine with all of my friends!


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